A little bit about me…
I am a content strategist/marketer, copywriter, freelance journalist, screenwriter and novelist (whew!) who used to be an architectural technician. I have worked in architecture in Dublin, London and Sydney, in film in Los Angeles and am currently based (and writing) in Dublin.
I have written for The Irish Times, Enterprise Ireland, 256 Media, Business & Finance, TheJournal.ie, Image Magazine and many more. I have developed content strategies for major tech companies, audited websites, written blogs, whitepapers and case studies on anything from ecommerce to technology, and written about everything from mental health to menopause by way of pensions, FDI, sustainability and so much more!
I have an M Phil in Creative Writing from Trinity College, Dublin and have worked in film in Los Angeles as a production coordinator and creative development executive.
If you’re looking for an understanding of what content can do for your website and business, whether it’s a copywriting overhaul, a blog or two, or an end-to-end content strategy (and execution) please feel free to contact me to discuss your writing needs.